A Thank you, from Cllr Georgia Power NCC Health and Adult Social Care Committee Chair
Dear all,
I wanted to write on behalf of the Nottingham City Council Health and Adult Social Care Committee to thank you for your work caring for Nottingham residents throughout covid and presently.
As a Committee we are aware that there have been a number of reports in the media talking about patients’ experience of access to their GP. Whilst we know that there are issues – and these are not isolated to Nottingham – we are clear that this is not an issue caused by GPs and that putting the blame on GPs and practice staff is not helpful and does nothing to tackle the root cause of depleted resources, a decade of austerity and increased need.
At yesterday’s Committee meeting we heard from the CCG who set out some of the excellent work you’ve been doing on the frontline serving our residents. We are extremely grateful for this and are keen to work with you to tackle some of the real issues you and your patients are facing.
Please be assured that we are first and foremost grateful for you work, and that we will be firm in ensuring good scrutiny of the all services and areas needed to provide support to Primary Care, and above all to support Nottingham City residents.
I understand through the many conversations I have with GPs in my capacity as Committee Chair morale is low and the onslaught of media reports placing the blame on you is unhelpful. I do not ascribe the so called “GP crisis” to GPs or GP practices and your staff, and we as a Committee have, and will continue to state this publicly whenever asked.
If you would like to discuss any issues facing your practice or Primary Care in general with me, any of the Committee or your ward councillors please do let me know and I am more than happy to try and facilitate these conversations.
Thank you once again for your commitment to Nottingham and to our residents.
Best wishes,
Councillor Georgia Power
Chair of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, Nottingham City Council