A message from the leaders of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS
The ICS system chief executives have put a message together for all staff across the health and care system
We are writing in acknowledgement of the extraordinary pressures that you are facing within your service at the moment. We are seeing significant demand across all areas, compounded by staff absence and the long-standing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for your professionalism and service to our communities.
We are seeing substantial pressure in all areas of our health and care system – including community services, general practice, hospitals, emergency departments / urgent care, social care, 111, voluntary sector, ambulance and transport services. We ask you to be mindful of colleagues from other parts of our NHS and social care system, who are also working in challenging times.
Please look after yourselves and others and please be kind to each other.
Thank you again
Louise Bainbridge | Chief Executive Nottingham CityCare Partnership |
John Brewin | Chief Executive Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |
Melanie Brooks | Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health Nottinghamshire County Council |
Rupert Egginton | Deputy Chief Executive Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust |
Richard Henderson | Chief Executive East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust |
Richard Mitchell | Chief Executive Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust |
Amanda Sullivan | Accountable Officer Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG Interim Executive Lead, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS |
Catherine Underwood | Corporate Director for People Nottingham City Council |