text reads: Neurodivergence Learning Series
timbrudenellstraw March 4, 2025

Working Together to Understand Neurodivergence and Multiple Disadvantage

Recent studies indicate that 38% of people experiencing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) also have neurological conditions such as ADHD, autism, or brain injuries. These findings, along with insight from local partners and views of people with their own lived experiences of SMD, has driven the development of a new Neurodivergence and SMD Learning Series.

The overall aim of this learning series is to:

  1. Create free training resources so that colleagues and services are more aware of neurodivergence and SMD
  2. Support services to work in a neurodivergence affirmative way

Learning Series Webinars

Working together with colleagues with expertise from across the system, the Nottingham SMD Partnership, Changing Futures and the Nottingham Practice Development Unit (PDU)* have so far delivered four successful webinars:

  • Overview of neurodivergence and SMD: a foundational session on neurodivergence in the context of severe and multiple disadvantage
  • Speech and language: focusing on adjustments to communication for autistic people
  • Neurodivergence in prisons: insights on help for neurodiverse people in prison settings.
  • ADHD deep dive: a detailed session on ADHD led by an academic researcher with their own lived experience

Several further events are also currently planned:

  • March: Psychotherapeutic Assessment Approaches in the Diagnostic Assessment of ADHD for Adults with Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) by Lisa Murphy and Emma Telling, Change Grow Live – event link
  • April-June: webinars on homelessness, neurodivergence diagnosis, and perceptions of autism in service delivery.
  • November: a whole day learning event with interactive workshops and presentations.

Neurodivergence communications toolkit

A new toolkit is now also being developed to support staff in delivery roles to improve their communication with neurodivergent individuals. This toolkit will help staff to capture the communication preferences of individuals making it easier for them to get the support they need.

Get involved

All colleagues across the system who can benefit from improving their knowledge around neurodivergence are encouraged to attend. All webinars are free to join.

Find out more about upcoming opportunities to connect and learn more about neurodiversity and SMD.

*The Nottingham Practice Development Unit (PDU) is a shared learning platform for all partner organisations and colleagues interested in improving their ability to manage and respond to the needs of people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD).

Find out more about what’s on offer here.